Here you will find a list of links about how people write about reading in current publications. Below each one is a one sentence description about how you might use it as a mentor. Browse the articles, choose one you would like to use as a mentor, and try to emulate it's purpose and structure. When you post your own blog, provide a link to your mentor. You are, of course, allowed to find your own mentor--they are all over the place.
The Remarkable Influence of A Wrinkle in Time
→The Remarkable Influence of... (this can be to you personally, to your group of friends, your class, your generation, etc.)
Kate DiCamillo: Why Kids Books Should be a Little Sad
→Why Young Adult Books Should Be...
A Winter Walk With Thoreau
→Reflect on a place using an author as a lens
Kylo Ren is the Greatest Star Wars Villain of All Time
→___________ is the greatest villain/hero/etc. of All Time
The Psychology Behind Superhero Origin Stories
→Examine your character through the lens of psychology (may require research)
New Sentences: from Sing Unburied Sing
→Do a close reading of the importance of a single sentence in a story
Taylor Swift's Great Gatsby Fixation
→Examine the intersection of pop culture and a piece of literature
Book It by Julius Thomas of the Jacksonville Jaguars
→Tell a story from your life as a reader
Well Groomed and Well Read by Jarvis Jenkins of the New York Jets
→Tell a story from your life as a reader
15 remarkable books by women that are shaping the way we read and write fiction in the 21st Century
→Curate and explain your own collection of books (it can be a smaller number than 15!)
Why Lisa Simpson Matters
→Why [insert character name] matters
Rereading A Wrinkle In Time After a Childhood Enthralled
→Rereading ___________________
Best Harry Potter Signs at March for Our Lives
→Exploring the cultural impact of a book
Fiction That Made Me A Feminist
→Fiction that made me_____ (just add a bit more personal description for each book)
Five Mary Oliver Quotes that Could Save Humanity
→Five _______ quotes that could save humanity (or another such goal)
Ten Things Holden Caufield Hates
→Ten Things [insert character name] Hates (or loves, etc.)
Why Nancy Drew is the Ideal Role Model for girls (and boys)
→Why [insert character name] is the ideal role model...
Why Frankenstein is Still Relevant (Almost 200 years after it was published)
→Why [insert older title] is still relevant...
How Judy Blume Changed My Life
→How [insert author] changed my life
The Two Books that Saved My Young Life
→Use this title or possibly explore just one title