Thursday, December 18, 2014

Creating a bibliography

As you know, it is really important to cite the resources you used to learn more about your social justice topic, whether you directly quoted them in your author's note or not.  In ELA, we use MLA format. Here are some steps to help you create a bibliography for the 2-3 sources you used:

To use the "Easy Bib" tool: 

1. Gather the research you used and make sure you have it nearby.

2. Go to site and make sure "MLA" is the format highlighted in orange.

3. Choose the kind of source you are going to cite from.  Most of you used newpapers, magazines, and websites. Click on the "All 59 options" to find the tab for magazines.

4. Using the source information you got from your printed article or what you wrote down on your worksheet, follow the directions to get your citation.

5. On the top of your page, type "Bibliography" and center it. Put your citations below, aligned to the left, in alphabetical order.

To use your agenda book as a mentor: 

1. Turn to page R-5 in your agenda book (in the back)

2. On the top of your page, type "Bibliography" and center it.

3. Choose the kind of source you are going to cite from and use the mentor to type your own.

4. Type in your citations aligned to the left, in alphabetical order.

Monday, December 15, 2014

All Star Mentor Blogs + Upcoming blog post due

For our Quarter 2 Cycle 2 blog post, be sure to use your synthesis page as an outline of sorts to guide your writing process. A few things to remember:

  • Take your ideas out of the text, especially in your opening and closing paragraphs! This will make your work so much more interesting for your reader. 
  • Create an INTERESTING title that will attract readers. "Reading Response 12/18" is boring.  Think of yourself as a headline writer for a newspaper.   
  • You should be commenting on your partner's work.  Be specific and encouraging! Last cycle's all star commenter is Steven in 806! 

These writers did a great job writing a fiction blog post.  Check out a mentor or two from your class to see what you can emulate in your own writing.

Class 803 


Class 806


Class 809
