For this week's blog post, you will be writing about a picture book we read in class or one that you loved growing up (and have access to, so you can read it closely). Here is the reading work you will need to do:
- You will first read and interpret as "a reader": what does the author want you to know, feel, and think?
- You will then read as "a writer": what craft moves did the author use to get you to feel and think that way?
Once you are done studying the text, you can choose a claim/thesis that came out of your thinking work and use specific evidence to back it up. Here are some sample claims from Fox. Notice that they are ARGUMENTATIVE and require explanation. Once you choose your own claim, figure out how you can best support it with evidence, and how you can extend--meaning, what is this teaching you about humanity?
It is ok that Fox is manipulative because he is lonely.
Fox's manipulative behavior is selfish.
Dog is naive.
Dog is an example of the best kind of person and friend.
Even though Dog is a bit naive, he represents the best of humanity.
I can relate to Magpie because she has made mistakes and learned from them.
The theme of the book can be summed up in one of the lines: "I will be your missing eye and you will be my wings."
Magpie's journey home is representative of the work that good relationships take.