Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog Post Due 12/5: Studying a Picture Book!

For this week's blog post, you will be writing about a picture book we read in class or one that you loved growing up (and have access to, so you can read it closely).  Here is the reading work you will need to do:
  • You will first read and interpret as "a reader": what does the author want you to know, feel, and think? 
  • You will then read as "a writer": what craft moves did the author use to get you to feel and think that way? 
Once you are done studying the text, you can choose a claim/thesis that came out of your thinking work and use specific evidence to back it up.  Here are some sample claims from Fox.  Notice that they are ARGUMENTATIVE and require explanation.  Once you choose your own claim, figure out how you can best support it with evidence, and how you can extend--meaning, what is this teaching you about humanity? 

It is ok that Fox is manipulative because he is lonely.  

Fox's manipulative behavior is selfish. 

Dog is naive.

Dog is an example of the best kind of person and friend.

Even though Dog is a bit naive, he represents the best of humanity. 

I can relate to Magpie because she has made mistakes and learned from them. 

The theme of the book can be summed up in one of the lines: "I will be your missing eye and you will be my wings." 

Magpie's journey home is representative of the work that good relationships take.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Critically Thinking in Video Research

It is important to look at video research with the same critical eyes that we used to analyze written texts.   When you are watching these videos, consider our three questions:

1. What does the director/creator want me to KNOW?

2. What does the director/creator want me to FEEL?

3. What does the director/creator want me to THINK?

***and, of course, what "craft moves" are used to convey these things?

Here are some specific questions that will help you notice "craft moves" that can guide your viewing experience both now and whenever you are watching visual media. 

Notice and write about how the creators use any or all of the following:
Images/imagery, in visual media, can be in the form of pictures or words
What images do you see?  
What images do you hear described?
What feelings/thoughts do they elicit?  How?
The words that are being spoken can add to the image you are seeing
The images are presented in a certain order; how are they organized?
Sounds are really important.  What incidental sounds do you hear (from the real world) and what added sounds (music, sound effects, etc.)?  
What is the tone of voice of the people who are speaking?
What are the elements of the video (interviews, clips, etc.?)
Who is represented?  Whose perspective is missing?  (Just like in written media!)
What emotional, opinion, or loaded words are used?  (Also as in written media!)

1. A video that gives a bit of background on child soliders and talks about what UNICEF is doing to help former child soldiers heal: (almost 4 minutes)

2. A video that accompanies "Armed and Underaged" by Jeffrey Gettleman, one of the articles we read in class: (3 minutes)

3. A video put out by Invisible Children that includes people of faith and in education and peace promotion asking for the world, and specifically the United States, to aid in the fight against Joseph Kony: (3 minutes)

4. Invisible Children put out a video in 2006 when the topic of child soldiers was relatively new to much of the United States.  How is this video similar to and different from the other videos we have watched? (5 minutes)

Going Beyond the Our Classroom...for extra credit and for building those critical thinking muscles in your brain.  

Follow the directions below that include watching a video and reading an article that responds to the video.  Write a response that addresses the questions that follow.  Minimally, write a paragraph on the video, a paragraph on the article and a concluding paragraph of your own thoughts.  Each paragraph must be at least 5-7 sentences.  Feel free to search for other video or textual resources and include links to them as well.   This is worth 5-10 points onto a "major grade" assignment, depending on the quality of the post.  Below explain in further detail the three parts of the extra credit assignment:

1. This is the full length "#Kony2012" video by Invisible Children, which went viral and started many conversations and controversies: (29 minutes).  Watch this video in light of what you have learned throughout this unit and be a critical thinker. Use these questions to guide your response.
  • Is arresting Joseph Kony going to solve the problem of child soliders? How might this help? 
  • What other things, based on your research, might help solve the problem of child soliders? 
  • What techniques did the film makers use to appeal to your emotions (just like we studied in non fiction reading)? Are they effective? Does analyzing them critically impact what you think about the video?
  • Is there anything you would add or take away from this video, based on our research? 
2. Now, critically read this article called "Beyond Kony 2012" article by Bryan Early and Robert Tynes.  How does this add to, change or support your ideas and opinions?

3. After reading and watching so much about the issue of child soldiers, what are your thoughts, opinions and responses?  Do you think there is value in considering lots of different sources?

Monday, October 22, 2012

All Star Mentors!

I was so impressed as I read through your blogs over the past few weeks! I am seeing so much improvement and so much passion for reading! Here are some posts that really blew me away. You should definitely check them out (no matter what class you're in) and leave them a comment for this week!

These "Am I Blue?" responses were so impressive and beautifully written:

Annabel (806)

Ruby (806-she also included an image I loved)

Sophie N. (809)

Sophie D. (809)

Adrian (809)

These posts about independent reading books were not only written well, but so thought provoking:

Sam (803)

Caitlin (803)

These posts about independent reading books were written in a way that generated thinking and comments: 

Chase (806)

Venice (806)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Studying Visual Media For Research Purposes: "Eye to Eye: Ishmael Beah"

Here is a link to the video we watched in class that will serve as our third research source for our argument essays.  For Monday, you are to use your notes to write a full summary using the techniques we have covered in class.  

Eye to Eye: Ishmael Beah (CBS with Katie Couric, June 5, 2007)

As a reminder: 

First, ask yourself "what does the author (or director) want me to KNOW?" The facts (main ideas) presented will make up the first part of your summary.  This is essentially a retell.  

Then, you will begin to analyze what the author wants you to walk away feeling and thinking. 

Ask yourself "what does the author (or director) want me to FEEL?" Add a sentence on to your summary that starts with "The director wants the viewer to feel_________ because___________."

Ask yourself "what does the author (or director) want me to walk away THINKING?" Here you are essentially naming the author's opinion. Add on a sentence to y our summary that starts with "The director wants the viewer to think ___________.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Finding A Focus...and using it to anchor your thoughts.

A.  focus of your piece is also called a "thesis" or "claim." It is where you name what you are going to be writing about throughout the entire post.

An easy way to write out your focus if you struggle with this is to:

1. Choose a prompt question from the list hanging in the room or posted HERE.

2. Answer that question in a sentence or two (you will explain it in further detail later).

3. Then, turn the question part into a statement that leads into your answer.  BOOM. You have a focus.

Watch the progression in this example: 

1. "Who influences your protagonist? Is the impact positive or negative? Do you see similar things at work in the lives of your friends and peers? Explain.

2. Melvin has an incredibly positive influence on Vincent.  I have noticed that when people my age have an adult to talk to honestly about life, they seem to feel more comfortable, peaceful and less stressed out.

3. When teenagers have someone to talk to honestly about their lives, it enables them to feel more confident as they face daily struggles like confusion and self doubt.  Melvin is like a mentor to Vincent and his influence helps Vincent feel more confident in his identity.

Try this on your own right now for the post that is due tomorrow.

B. Use your focus to help anchor your thoughts for the rest of the post!

Now that you have this focus, use it to build the paragraphs that you will write.  When I look at the above example, I know that I have to:

1. Introduce the story by naming the title and author AND who Melvin and Vincent are so the reader understands (adding context).  I will do this before I name my focus, so that my reader will understand who Melvin and Vincent are when they read my focus.  See how I changed it below:

The story "Am I Blue?" by Bruce Coville is about a teenage boy who is confused about his sexual identity---struggling internally through the issue as well as being bullied externally.  Early on, a "fairy godfather" named Melvin appears and helps guide him through this stressful time of life.  When teenagers have someone to talk to honestly about their lives, it enables them to feel more confident as they face daily struggles like confusion and self doubt.  Melvin is like a mentor to Vincent and his influence helps Vincent feel more confident in his identity.  

This focus/thesis/claim (those are all synonyms) can now go at the end of your introduction paragraph! The reader will know what to anticipate throughout your post.

2.  Decide how you will "unpack" or elaborate your focus. What more do you need to say so that you fully communicate this idea?

When I look at my statement above, I see that I need to unpack two major things, which can become two paragraphs (you may decide you need more paragraphs or want to be more creative in your organizational style, which is fine):

First, I want to talk about how Melvin helps Vincent feel more confident.  I can use text evidence and unpack it to support this.

Second, I want to talk about the idea of mentors for teenagers.  I used to be a mentor and have had a mentor, so I have a lot to say.

Do you see how three paragraphs have just taken shape using my new, clear focus?  Do this pre-writing work in your notebook before you start writing your post until it becomes second nature to you.   If you practice this weekly, it will become second nature! Hang in there! 

Take it one step further...look at YOUR "Am I Blue?" post.  How might have this lesson have helped you with that post? Or, look at your other posts.  How would this lesson strengthen them?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sample Blog Prompts, as collected by 803, 806 & 809

Character/Protagonist Questions: 
  • Describe your protagonist.  In what ways do you relate to him or her? Be specific and explain. 
  • Who influences your protagonist? Is the impact of that influence positive or negative? Do you see similar things at work in the lives of your friends and peers? Explain.
  • Describe a character relationship that has evolved or changed over the course of the story.  Do you think that all relationships change over time? Why? How? Or why not? Explain.
  • What kinds of things are preventing your protagonist from getting to the resolution? Why? Do you think conflict has an impact on emotions? How?
  • How did your protagonist change by the end of the story? Was it for better or worse? What does this teach you about character change in the lives of real people? Yourself?
Conflict/Resolution/Theme Questions: 
  • Describe both the internal and external conflicts in the story.  Do you agree with how they are being handled? Explain. Can you relate?
  • Why do you think the story resolved the way it did What theme did it reveal? Did you like the ending? What does it teach the reader about life? 
  • How would you rewrite the ending or a scene? Why? What would that change about the theme and what a reader would take away? 

Zooming in On Details Questions:

  • Describe/quote some imagery you found that feels symbolic.  Unpack it in the context of the story and the real world.  What is symbolized?
  • Quote a line from the story that really spoke to you personally.  Unpack it and describe why. 
  • What were unique craft moves the author used to get you thinking? Describe/quote them and explain how they worked.  How did this author inspire you as a writer? 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Creating Better Community Through the Comment.

Part of the reason why I love posting reading responses online rather than just having them live in your notebooks is because it enables us to easily share about our reading lives.  I believe that by reading one another's work, great things will happen.  For instance: 

  • You can get book recommendations
  • You can get into conversations about books you have read, too, or topics that are interesting to you
  • You will become a better writer because not only are you reading work, but you will begin to care more when you know that people are reading your work

So, in order to create a tighter knit reading and writing community, you are now required to create a "blog list" if you haven't already of the blogs that you want to keep up with regularly.  You are required to thoughtfully comment on at least 2 blog posts from your class weekly.  My hope is that you will get to know each other better as readers (and nonfiction writers) and that you will learn from one another. I will be checking these responses.

A good, thoughtful blog comment might:

  • praise interesting ideas in the original post, specifically (don't just say "nice job")
  • ask for clarification of any unclear parts of the original post
  • add the responder's own thoughts to original ideas to build strength
  • contradict or challenge (respectfully!) by explaining another aspect or asking a question to further dialogue
  • contain connections (to the self, the world, another text, or another part of the same text) to deepen thinking about the post
Sample starters: 

  • When you said __________ I thought________
  • I love the line ____________ because___________
  • When you said ____________ it got me thinking about________

***  AND good, thoughtful blog responses  always

  • are respectful
  • use standard vocabulary, spelling, and grammar (so that everyone can understand)
  • show consideration of the original blogger's work and thought
Additionally, as a writer, you will want to begin crafting your blog posts with your audience in mind.  Think about how you might invite people into the ideas you are writing about.  For instance: 
  • how could a creative title draw people in? 
  • how can the use of questions invite people to comment?
  • how can you craft your blog post so that it sounds less like a boring homework assignment and more like a conversation people are dying to join? 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blogging Update!

Everyone has been doing a great job working on their blogs so far this year.

Today I want to talk about a few small ways that you can make your blogs even stronger moving on and take a look at some of your classmates' blogs that exceeded standards the past few weeks!

1. To show a new paragraph, instead of trying to indent, just skip a line and keep all of your words aligned left.  This just makes it easier on the eyes for the reader.

2.  Create a title that is more clever than the name of your book! Include what you're writing about.

3. To add a picture, do an image search online, and then click so that only the image is on the webpage.  Copy that URL.  In the draft form of your blog, click on the picture icon and click "add from a URL" and paste the link.  The picture will download.  Add a caption below it before you post the picture if you need to give credit to where it came from.

4. To add a link to another source, have the URL copied.  Then highlight the word or phrase that you want to link from and click on the "link" tab at the top of the post draft.  Copy the URL.

5. Finished Book Lists: Be sure that you have added this gadget to your sidebar and that you update it weekly or bi-weekly.

6. Blog link lists: visit the link lists on the sidebar of this blog to find at least 4 other people who you want to read and comment on regularly.  Then add those people to your blog list.  Add this blog as well, so that you can have easy access to it if you ever need support!

7. EDIT! I couldn't believe how many people didn't capitalize or check their grammar! Please, y'all.  Please.

For the time being, starting now, the minimum requirement for blog length is 3 Paragraphs.  A sample structure might look like: 

Paragraph 1: A lead, an introduction to the story (context), your focus

Paragraph 2: Unpack your focus with textual evidence and elaboration

Paragraph 3: Extension: connect your focus to the world around you, yourself or another text.  Explain why this matters beyond the page.

Finally, let's take a look at some of the blogs that blew me away as I've been reading them! I call these ALL STAR MENTORS!!  Use them not only to get your brain thinking, but as strong mentor texts to use as a guide as a writer!

Isaac and Milo in 806, Sarah and Carmen in 809 and Dula in 803 wrote great responses to their independent reading books!  Read them to be inspired!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why blog?

Moving your reading responses from your notebook online has so many benefits:

1.  You now have a real audience! Your thoughts aren't contained to a notebook that no one looks at.  Curiously enough, it causes student work to improve!

2.  I can track your progress throughout the year! This will help me see how you are improving, what your strengths and weaknesses are and in turn have more meaningful conferences and lessons.

3. Blogs create an online community of readers.  You can begin and participate in conversations about books!

A blog post is due every Wednesday.  That means I'll be checking Wednesday morning to see who posted on time.  This counts as a homework grade. 

I will be teaching into how to write reading responses well in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for more details.  For now, let's get these blogs up and running so we can get started!

How to Set Up A Blog!

URL/permission slip due by: Monday, September 10th. SEE ME IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE during Zero period on Monday!!

Your first post, which will be a reading response based on a summer reading book, due on Wednesday, September 11th.

How do I start a web log?

  1. Go to and click on the “Create a Blog” button.
  2. Blogger is a part of Gmail and you will need a gmail account if you don’t already have one.  If you already have a gmail email address, simply type it in.  If you don’t, you can create one, using some combination of your first and last name if possible.  Don’t forget your password! Write your address and password in a safe place.  You can now also use this account for email, or use it just for your blogger account.
  3. Follow the directions to name your blog and create its URL.  The name and URL do not necessarily have to match.  (For example, my blog is called “Books Upon Books,” but that URL was already taken, so my URL is .)
  4. Follow the directions to pick a template, and your blog is ready to go!  Feel free to adjust the design if you want.

Privacy Settings and Options

  1. It is important to first adjust the privacy settings.  Click on the blogger icon and then your blog’s name or just go to the “Design” link at the top right hand corner of your blog’s page. You will see a list come up on the side.  Click on “basic” to get to the privacy settings and click on “edit.” Answer “no” to both questions so that it won’t come up in a search.  Click on the “save changes” button.
  2. Go down to blog readers and click on “edit.” If you want to limit who is able to read your blog, add those email addresses here. If you are uncomfortable for any with having your blog open to everyone, you can choose who your readers will be and enter them in this section.  Those users will have to go to your blog, request permission to see it and then be verified by you.
  3. Click on “posts and comments.” Change it to “user with google account.”

Adding Gadgets

Click on “design” at the top right hand corner again.  Click on “layout” on the left hand side.  Click on “add gadget”.  When you find one you want, click on the “+” sign.  Be sure to save changes! As you customize your blogs, feel free to utilize all the tools available to you on blogger. The following are required:

Labels: Label each post according to your focus (for example, “character change” or “theme”).  You can also label posts according to topic (“friendship” or “sports”) or title (“Hunger Games”).  

Blogroll: you can create a list of blogs you are reading on the sidebar. Everyone will be responsible for commenting on a handful of other blogs, so this is a great place to put the blogs you plan on keeping up with.  Each time an author posts something new, it automatically moves that blog to the top of your list. You can add in the blogs once I add them to our home base blog,

List: this is an online “Finished Book List.” As you finish a book, add it here. 

Additional Guidelines

  1. This blog is a part of a school project.  Therefore, all content on your blog must be related to your reading and writing life in some way.  Please do not use this blog as an online journal.
  2. My expectation is that we are a community of readers and writers.  I will be monitoring all blogs and trusting that your words that appear online will come from a place of respect for your fellow classmates as well with a tone that is appropriate for school. 
For my own sanity, do not add any kind of sound gadgets to your blog.  Also, please type in readable colors (no pink or yellow) and fonts (avoid ones that are cursive or all caps, especially).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

An 8th Grade Girl Takes a Stand

I was so inspired by this article in The New York Times.  Read it and respond for an extra credit homework assignment! Leave your thoughts in the comments as well!

Seventeen Magazine Faulted by Girl, 14, for Doctoring Photos

Coming of Age Resource

A student in 806 found this website that lists a bunch of Coming of Age books and also has interesting articles to supplement and enrich what we have been talking about in class, if you are interested:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Need nonfiction reading?

Here are some articles and sites to get you started for your nonfiction reading.  Also, ask your family what they tend to read online.

I love to browse around the online magazine Good:

Here is an article about hoodies in response to the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida.

Here is an article about an essay a 13 year old in Rochester wrote in response to The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass that caused quite a stir.

My favorite column they run is called People are Awesome.  Browse some of their stories about everyday heroes.

One of my favorite columnists on The New York Times is Nicholas Kristof:

Browse through his various columns that most often deal with social justice and find one that sounds interesting to you.

NPR (National Public Radio) offers both written and spoken articles.

Here is one about the rise of Young Adult Literature in movies or browse around the site to find something that interests you.

Sports writing your thing? 

Here is an article about how Ohio State beat Syracuse to head into The Final Four.  Or, browse how people analyze your favorite teams.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog Post Test Prep Homework: 3/21-4/16

Your homework filled with authentic reading and writing will counteract some of the test-preppy work we will be doing in class in the coming weeks...that way, you can look forward to your homework!  Right??

Your main homework during the weeks leading up to the state test will be reading and responding on your blog to practice the skills that will be required of you on the test.  We are not doing another vocabulary unit until after the test, so this will be your main homework.  You will be writing 6 blog posts over the course of 3.5 weeks.  All posts must be minimally 3 paragraphs.  They must all show that you understand how a focused, organized piece of writing goes: an introduction, specific observations and inferences, interpretation and extension.  Though they do not have to be as formal as your literary essay (meaning you can use first person), they need to be well written and use many of the skills you’ve acquired over the past few weeks. The requirements are described below:

2 posts on a narrative piece of writing

Respond to your independent reading book.  Pick 2 of the following questions to answer: 

Option A: How and why does your character change in the book? What specific evidence supports your ideas? How? What does this change teach you about life?
Option B: What is the theme the author is trying to convey through the story? How does he/she do this? How does it relate to life?
Option C: What kids of conflicts is your character facing? (include both internal and external). How is he or she handling them? What is your response to that? Can you relate at all?
Option D: Collect a few sentences that you think speak into life beyond the text.  Unpack them.  What do you think the author is saying to you as a reader through them?

2 posts on informational/nonfiction writing

Read an online news article (and include a link to it in your post) well.  All articles must be at least 6 paragraphs.  Follow the directions below when crafting your response:
Paragraph 1: Introduce the article by first providing a summary.
Paragraph 2: Explain the main idea that the author is trying to convey.  How do you know this? (hint: use actual quotes to back up your idea)
Paragraph 3: What is your personal response to what has been presented in the article? Why? Be sure to use elaboration and extend your ideas!

2 posts on poetry and/or song lyrics

Choose a poem or song that you would like to think more deeply about.  Use the following questions to formulate your post:

Paragraph 1: Introduce the poem with a brief summary.  Introduce what your thesis/theory is for the poem.
Paragraph 2: Support your theory/thesis with observations, inferences and interpretations
Paragraph 3: Extend your ideas into life

Extra Credit Post

Choose a genre that you have read yet and craft a thoughtful response that follows the same basic guidelines of all blog posts.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

All Star Mentors: Finally Tallied!!

Apologies for the delay, but here are the class All Star Mentors, as nominated by YOU!


806/A 3-Way Tie: Jacqueline, Nathan, Joanna



Friday, February 3, 2012

This week's blog: respond to intentional detail as a film study student!

For this week, I want you to write a focused response to our viewing of Baz Luhrman's modern production Romeo and Juliet.  You may use your notes about the themes, class discussions or any online resources to help you.  Here is a slide show about different techniques used in the film that might help you:


Possible topics if you are stuck: 
The use of color
The use of weather
A theme that stood out to you (from your notes)
Camera Angles

Monday, January 30, 2012

Prompts to help you get started on your post...

This post takes the same material that we covered earlier in the year--that I posted HERE--in question form, just in case you are having a hard time getting started on your posts each week. 

  • What is the major conflict of the book? How is it resolved? What theme or message does this reveal to the reader?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the protagonist? How do they help or hinder him/her during the rising and falling action? What kind of emotional journey has your character had in the story?
  • What antagonistic forces seem to be working against the protagonist? How does the protagonist deal with them? Does he/she learn anything from them?
  • Have you come across a deep "loaded sentence" that requires unpacking? What does it mean?
  • If the setting is significant and symbolic, describe and unpack it.  Why do you think the author created this place to tell the story?
As always, please come during zero period if you need help developing your blog posts.

Tips for elaboration in paragraph two:
  • cite more than one piece of specific evidence that supports your idea
  • unpack the evidence thoughtfully: word choice, emphasis, figurative or symbolic choices

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blog Post Assignment Due 1/25

This week I want  you to continue with the thought process we have been working on all year (Observe+Infer, Interpret, Extend) and connect it to some of the visual arts work we have done in our poetry unit, including our study of Frida Kahlo's "Self Portrait on the Border" and the pairing of works by Jean-Michel Basquiat with Maya Angelou's "Life Doesn't Frighten Me."  Your job is to:

  •  Find a piece of visual art that you love and display it at the top of your post (use the button that looks like a picture when you write your post).  
  • Make observations about the work you chose.  What do you infer from them?  What do you think that the work is actually about based on them?
  • Turn these ideas into an organized blog post.  These steps are the same ones you should be following each week to meet standards anyway.  Remember: 
Paragraph 1: A lead, an introduction to the work, your theory
Paragraph 2: Evidence that supports your theory
Paragraph 3: Extension: how do you connect to this work? how does it connect to humanity? etc.

*as always, write more to exceed standards and check out mentors if you need help.
*don't forget that you are now commenting on at least TWO other posts per week!

Here are some online galleries that you can visit to find a piece of visual art that you love or find thought provoking.  Be sure to take your time to browse and explore so that you can find something you are excited about!

The Google Art Project takes you to amazing museums around the world. 
The Museum of Modern Art's (Manhattan) online collection
The Metropolitan Museum of Art's (Manhattan) online collection
The Brooklyn Museum's online collection

Extra credit: Along with  your post, write a poem in response to the piece of art.  It must incorporate at least three of the poetic devices that are on your sheet (that you are actively studying!) Name those devices in an introductory paragraph to your poem. 12 line minimum.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Assignment due Wednesday 1/18 instead of your regular post

Since we are working becoming a stronger community of readers, I want you to spend this week reading and commenting on other people's posts instead of you own.  You must comment on at least 3.  When you are done, you will create a post that nominates an "All Star Mentor." Your post must include the following:
  • Your nomination (a single post by a single author) with a LINK to the post
  • A paragraph explaining why you think that writer exemplifies the kind of blog/reading response writing we've been talking about all year. Be specific. 
This is a great opportunity to give a shout out to someone else's hard doesn't happen often enough! 

Creating Better Community Through the Comment

Part of the reason why I love posting reading responses online rather than just having them live in your notebooks is because it enables us to easily share about our reading lives.  I believe that by reading one another's work, great things will happen.  For instance: 

  • You can get book recommendations
  • You can get into conversations about books you have read, too, or topics that are interesting to you
  • You will become a better writer because not only are you reading work, but you will begin to care more when you know that people are reading your work

So, in order to create a tighter knit reading and writing community, you are now required to create a "blog roll" (or "link list")  if you haven't already of the blogs that you want to keep up with regularly.  You are required to comment on at least 2 blog posts from your class weekly.  My hope is that you will get to know each other better as readers (and nonfiction writers) and that you will learn from one another. I will be checking these responses.

A good, thoughtful blog comment might:

  • praise interesting ideas in the original post, specifically (don't just say "nice job")
  • ask for clarification of any unclear parts of the original post
  • add the responder's own thoughts to original ideas to build strength
  • contradict or challenge (respectfully!) by explaining another aspect or asking a question to further dialogue
  • contain connections (to the self, the world, another text, or another part of the same text) to deepen thinking about the post
Sample starters: 

  • When you said __________ I thought________
  • I love the line ____________ because___________
  • When you said ____________ it got me thinking about________

***  AND good, thoughtful blog responses  always
  • are respectful
  • use standard vocab, spelling, and grammar (so that everyone can understand)
  • show consideration of the original blogger's work and thought

Here are some examples of some interesting conversations that got started last year: 

On girls reading boy characters
A poem based on Banksy's street art
A poem about death based on a painting by Gustav Klimt

(Sidenote: As I already see the eyes rolling, please remember that we are about to hit the half way point of 8th grade.  It makes sense that work would get more involved.  Also, please remember my advice to carry a positive attitude!)